On This Edition of Asian-man

Name: Gina
Age: 20
From: Portland, OR
TheStory: Gina is a girl from Portland who recently came out to try out creampie modeling :) she actually found out about the site a while back ago but it wasn't until recently that she finally decided to go for it. She was flying to Hawaii and was doing an overnight stop over here, so this was the chance to do it.

I don't think I can say she was fully ready for it when I met her but there was the window of opportunity. And with girls, you usually have to get it done right then and there or else they'll change their mind in no time. So we went to the hotel after talking for less than an hour and we did this video of her enjoying the load I had saved exclusively for her.. lol.

She spent the night at the hotel and the went to Hawaii early in the morning filled with lots of joy..




Copyright NDA Productions 2006

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